Connecticut airport transportation services take passengers to and from the airport but it’s the airport security that handles any mischievous situations inside the airport. New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport security workers are not happy about their pay and benefits, seeing that they are also risking their lives everyday for the safety of travelers. JFK’s airport security officers are up to planning a strike and may get approved later this week in order to set things right.

Using airport transportation and drop off for heist photoAirport transportation and security services are important

Both firms, Air Serv and Global Elite have officers complaining and will be taking the votes in this week. Both companies turned the tables against their officer’s complaints and are now suffering the move to a strike. Airport transportation services and security, moving in and out of the airport system, need to always have a watchful eye. However this may be disrupted by the strike. Security officials feel since they are the eyes and ears of the airport they should be compensated in all ways fairly.

What security officers are saying JFK security officials build to strike photo

Security officials purportedly only make $8 an hour and are insufficiently trained. A picketing was done last month at JFK with security issues because of this problem. Reliable airport transportation and security for the airports is a high necessity. There are thousands if not millions of people in and out of the airport everyday, using convenient airport transportation to NYC and relying on security for their safety. The overseers are saying the strike will def happen, seeing that even the New York Senate Transportation Committee is doing an investigation regarding the maltreatment of JFK security officers.

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