
LaGuardia International Airport

Airport services to LaGuardia Int’l Airport are provided often for transportation back and forth between Connecticut and the surrounding areas.

Our exclusive limousine fleet contains vehicles suitable for groups of different sizes! From personal town car transportation to a 14 passenger Van, reservations can be made far in advance to ensure your transportation is guaranteed.

Our drivers are well equipped and trained to service LaGuardia Airport Limousine reservations all over Connecticut. From pick-up to drop-off we make sure to include as many details as possible in your reservation to allow for a more comfortable, relaxing experience during your ride. All vehicles are equipped with a GPS system that allows drivers the ability to have your destination programmed and ready to go the second you step foot into one of our luxury limousines.

Be sure to scroll down below for information on your terminals ahead of time if you’re unfamiliar with LaGuardia Int’l Airport or have any questions on where you’ll need to go once inside.

For questions or to make a booking for airport transportation to and from LaGuardia Airport, please Contact one of our representatives. We look forward to hearing from you!


LaGuardia Terminal Information

Airlines Phone Numbers IATA Code Departures Terminal Arrivals Terminal
Air Canada (888) 247-2262 AC CTB-A CTB-A
Air Tran Airways (800) AIR-TRAN FL CTB-B CTB-B
American Airlines (800) 433-7300 AA CTB-D CTB-D
American Eagle (800) 433-7300 AA CTB-C CTB-C
Comair (800) 354-9822 OH Delta Delta
Continental (800) 525-0280 CO CTB-A CTB-A
Continental Express (800) 525-0280 CO CTB-A CTB-A
Delta (800) 221-1212 DL Delta Delta
Delta Connection (800) 325-5205 DL Delta Delta
Delta Shuttle (800) 325-5205 DL Marine Marine
Frontier Airlines (800) 432-1FLY [359] F9 CTB-B CTB-B
JetBlue Airways 1-800-JETBLUE B6 CTB – A5, B4, B5 CTB – A5, B4, B5
Southwest Airlines (800) 435-9792 WN CTB-B CTB-B
Spirit (800) 772-7117 NK CTB-B CTB-B
United (800) 241-6522 UA CTB-C CTB-C
United Express (800) 241-6522 UA CTB-C CTB-C
US Airways (800) 428-4322 US USAirways USAirways
US Airways Express (800) 428-4322 US USAirways USAirways
US Airways Shuttle (800) 428-4322 US USAirwaysSh USAirwaysSh
Airlines Phone Numbers IATA Code Departures Terminal Arrivals Terminal

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