Voters in many NYC counties may get an extra day of voting due to Superstorm Sandy. The storm prevented citizens from showing up at the polls. If Tuesday’s turnout is less than 25% or so, county election officials could ask the New York state Board of Elections to allow poles to reopen for another day. If the request is approved the second election day will be scheduled in 20 days from Tuesday’s voting.
Many NYC Citizens without Transportation, Electricity
With the destruction Sandy brought, some NYC counties are urging for a second try at voting since many people are still without power, gas, or transportation around the NY area. If Tuesdays turnout is less than average and some New York county citizens do not get to vote, finding out who is president may not be shared on Tuesday night. If the second day is given, voting will be allotted for 11 hours to those who are registered to vote.
New York counties are worried about another storm this Tuesday, the nor’easter. Election officials relocated and consolidated about 40 polling sites, while some 30 polling sites will be powered by portable generators. Transportation is a major issue as well, with cars under water and gas being impossible to get. Many stranded residents are relying on professional car services in the area to get them around town.