Stay Cool Connecticut
With any incident, nobody ever imagines that it could happen to them and their family especially when it is involving the death of a loved one. The truth of the matter is that mistakes happen but some can be more traumatizing than others.
As The Heat Rises, So Does The Deaths

Heat Related Deaths
In the past 18 years (1998-2015) there have been 661 hot car deaths reported. 54% of these deaths were due to caregiver forgetting that the child was in the car. Our lives are centered around our children. So how can you forget about your child leaving them in a hot car? With the economy, the stress level in america keeps rising. There are much more distractions in this day and age than before. As a community, we must come together to help spread awareness of this deadly issue.
Taking a step towards a better tomorrow

Heat Related Deaths in Connecticut
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center is leading by example. They are sending an outreach worker to the locations to remind people how dangerous it can be to leave a child in a hot car. Just in this year alone, 23 children have died from being left in a hot car. Connecticut Children’s Medical Center is taking steps to help prevent this atrocity from happening in Connecticut. Consultants for Connecticut Children’s Medical Center are visiting about 300 daycare’s and preschools across the state passing out important information for parents. This is a part of their “Where’s Baby? Look Before You Lock” campaign.
They are passing out helpful pamphlets that could help save lives. Some of the helpful tips for parents such as: If you’re strapping a child into a car seat, leave a reminder — take off one of your shoes, even leave your cellphone in the back so it’ll make you check before you leave the car. We always think that it will never happen to us and when we get comfortable, that is when we get woken up by tragedy.