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TSA iPad Thief Gets Arrested by JFK Port Authorities

TSA-Ipad-thief-photoLooks like you have to be careful no matter where you go. A Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screener was caught with stolen iPads and other electronic devices from travelers at John F. Kennedy Airport. Possessions like expensive iPads, should be packed away and double checked during airport transportation travel, and before and after a security check at the airport. Keeping an eye on all your goods is important and be aware is even more crucial these days.

The culprit gets caught during a sting operation at JFK

A 32-year-old Brooklyn resident, Sean Henry was arrested by Port Authorities. Henry was a ten-year veteran of the TSA agency. In order to catch Henry Port Authorities administered a sting operation employing decoy bags in collaboration with the TSA. After the operation was successful in catching Henry, authorities arrested him after he left work. He was carrying stolen electronic devices in his backpack. Authorities also found stolen goods in his home. Goes to show you will eventually get caught and airport transportation services in any area will not let a thief get away.

Better to be safe than sorry in airport transportation

It is important for travelers to be aware of this, in any situation. Before traveling make sure you know where and how you packed your expensive belongings. Also always follow the instructions with airport rules. Do your research and choose a reliable airport transportation service to and from the airport. Also try and put all the expensive electronic devices in your carry on. Connecticut limousine and airport services will deliver you safe and protected to the airport but it is up to you to be aware of what happens inside the airport.

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