Limousine Services Worldwide

Newark Liberty International Airport has Healthier Travel Fare

Airlines and their food have had a long time unhealthy relationship. However, Newark Liberty International Airport has just gotten an unexpected four-fork rating from dietitians seeking healthier travel fare, making airports provide not only reliable limo, car or van transportation service but also supplying airports with reliable food tune-ups.

Surveys are in and Newark supplies

The Washington, D.C.-based Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has an annual survey of airport food and has stated publicly that Newark is the nation’s healthiest airport, in regards to food options that is. They looked at 18 major hub sites and the committee was capable of surveying each entree-serving restaurant in the airport.

Each restaurant that serves an entree in the Newark airport was asked if Newark Liberty International Airport has Healthier Travel Fare imagethey can serve at least one low-fat, high-fiber or cholesterol-free entree and 92 percent of restaurants at Newark Airport do serve an entrée  that fits that description, also offering vegan options. Healthy food at times was not exactly easy to find or delivered to the airport from reliable transportation services. Workers behind the counters at the food court in Terminal B simply shrugged when asked if they had food high in fiber and low in fat.

Newark provides less stress food and travel options

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which operates the airport, has encouraged healthier eating at Newark and its other airports. They feel that providing nutritious dishes in its requests for proposals from potential tenants was needed. Passengers who drive or use car and limo services to get to the airport let them know, in the surveys, that they wanted healthier food options and Newark Liberty’s tenants responded favorably to our requests to offer such choices.

car and limo services to get to the airport photo

And while nutrition may not be the main factor in a traveler’s choice of airports—they are a little more focused on transportation services to the airport and getting to their flight on time—less fatty foods at Newark could at least, in some way, help deter the negative health effects of stressed travelers who have delayed departures.

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