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Connecticut’s Two-Airport Strategy To Attract Airline Services

Bradley International Airport is the second busiest airport in all of New England, with Boston Logan being in the lead. Connecticut seems to take major pride in this airport being it is served by every major airline and bdl-airport-imageeven services internationally to places like Montreal, Cancun and San Juan. Bradley Airport is excited to announce that they will soon be adding yet another airline carrier, Aer Lingus to boast even more international flights.

A Proud Moment For Connecticut

The amazing Bradley Airport is definitely backed by state lawmakers and some officials from the Connecticut Airport Authority. Anything that has to do with Bradley has to go through them and I can tell you that if it is in anyway harmful to the prideful Bradley International Airport, chances are it will not get passed.

The hopes for Connecticut is that Bradley can service all of Connecticut’s airport needs. The only issue that is arising is that Bradley is located more towards Massachusetts and is more than 90 miles from some of Connecticut’s largest cities, making it easier for them to travel using New York airports. So what is the solution to this issue?

Advantages Of The Two-Airport Stategy

mercedes-sprinter-travel-imageIn its effort to keep Connecticut business within Connecticut, they will have to adopt a two-airport strategy that ensures all Connecticut residents have easy and convenient access to commercial air service without needing to leave the state to find it with its two airports Bradley and Tweed. There are many benefits to this, one being keeping revenue in Connecticut. This would create more jobs for residents of Connecticut as well as lower the amount of highway congestion.

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