Limousine Services Worldwide

Connecticut Escape Rooms


Are you stuck on crime shows such as CSI, Criminal Minds, NCIS and Law and Order? Feel like you are solving the crime right along with the characters in the show? With these top crime shows becoming so popular, many get to experience the thrill of solving a mystery just by watching the show. But tell me, how much would you rather be right there in the flesh!

Have Fun with a CT Limo

With these fun options throughout Connecticut, now you don’t need a degree to be able to solve a crime. Have an amazing time with your friends as you work your way through one of these mystery scenes and discover what happened in each room. No rooms are alike, and you can have fun with your friends while tuning into your natural detective skills. Take a look at some of the reputable escape rooms in Connecticut.


Make your night extra special with a CT Car Service from Limousine Services Worldwide. Choose from a variety of luxury vehicles such as:


Reserve A CT Limo

Ride in style to your destination. Have fun with your friends and family on this exciting night out. Choose from one of the following reservation options below to reserve your Bridgeport Connecticut Car Service.

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