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Facts About Connecticut You Most Likely Didn’t Know

There are a ton of history that you could brush up on in the great state of Connecticut. You can even enjoy a Connecticut Limo to take you from various museums and historical societies around the state to learn all there is to know about Connecticut. But you must also wonder……is that really all I need to know about Connecticut? What about we take a break on history and learn some very interesting facts about Connecticut that are not well known.

Feel Smart With These Connecticut Facts Not Many Know About!ct-christmas-carolers-image


Weird Connecticut Laws That Will Have You Scratching Your Head

  1. After many messes gone wrong, Southern Connecticut decided to ban silly string all together!
  2. Devon, Connecticut city officials decided to put safety first and banned walking backward on city sidewalks after sunset.
  3. Haven’t met one that can do this yet but it is illegal in the State of Connecticut for a cyclist to ride at a speed higher than 65 mph.
  4. It is illegal to throw a used razor blade in the garbage.
  5. Guilford, CT refuses to be filled with tacky decorations. To stay on the classy side they made it illegal to use any color of Christmas lights except for white.

With these interesting Connecticut facts, now you have truly become a Connecticut know-it-all!  Reserve your Connecticut Limo and travel the whole state finding out some more interesting facts!

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