Limousine Services Worldwide

Emma Watson Gets Stopped At JFK Airport

When you are too young to fly and or to drive to the airport Connecticut limousine services can easily take passengers to and from the airport. Safe travel for children or young adults is important and parents know they can trust CT airport limousine service to do the job. Even young child celebrities need rides to and from the airport, but when you are a famous adult being mistaken for a child inside the airport well that is a whole different story. Emma Watson, star from the Harry Potter movies becomes subject of such an event.

Even the famous get checked at the Emma Watson Gets Stopped At JFK Airport imgeairport

Laughed about it later, Emma Watson, who plays Hermione one of the main characters in the Harry Potter films, was mistakenly thought to be a child. Earlier this week Watson headed to John F. Kennedy Airport in a CT limo to the airport and was stopped by JFK officials asking her questions like, “where are your parents?” They seemingly took her for a 12-year-old child and Watson was mortified. Apparently this has happened to her before and Watson openly joked about it on Twitter.

Connecticut airport limo service drives all passengers safely to the airport

Connecticut limo services to and from airport picture

Airport car service and passport control centers within the airport take their jobs seriously, as there are a million people a day coming in and out of the airport. Watson was reportedly wearing a backpack and claimed to maybe just look too young that day, but she handled it quite well. Airport travel can be a funny thing and with a massive amount of travelers going to and from the airport it is better for officials and airport limousine services to be on point than to let things slide, even if the traveler is a famous one like Emma Watson.

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