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Out Of Control Heroin On The Rise In Connecticut!

Heroin related overdoses have been on the rise in the State of Connecticut. 2015 have since been the highest reported opiate overdoses to date. Heroin was the cause of 415 deaths in 2015 compared to 327 in 2014, although heroin_imagethe amount of deaths involving heroin alone decreased from 115 in 2014 to 110 in 2015.

Deaths On The Rise In 2015

Fentanyl deaths have double this year compared to the prior year of 2014. Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opiate that is prescribed to treat severe pain. The use of Fentanyl with Heroin enhances the effects of Heroin and causes more of a high. Due to Fentanyl’s extreme potency, it causes overdoses. It is estimated to be 80 times more potent than morphine and hundreds of times more potent than heroin, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Gov. Plan To Control The Drug Issues In Connecticut

Gov. Dannel Malloy in the effort to decrease the drug epidemic in Connecticut has proposed making it mandatory that municipalities ensure that the primary emergency response provider is equipped and prepared to administer the anti-overdose drug naloxone, also known as Narcan.

Narcan can reverse the respiratory depression that can occur during an overdose. This will give someone that is soon to be dead more time to be able to get to the hospital to be treated. Many individuals have a different outlook on whether this is a good thing or a way to show those who are using that you can now have more of a chance to not overdose by using Narcan and causing them to continue to use. Many look at the optimistic view of things and hope that by almost reaching that light at the end of the tunnel, maybe one would seek treatment for their addiction and a life would be saved.

State trooper have already been given Narcan and have administered more than 60 doses.

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